A Man Named Mark & His Tree Of Life:
This mini documentary focuses on the wildlife of Ford Park cemetery, in particular a small tree covered in bird feeders and brimming with wildlife. In it we interview the man who set it all up, Mark Wilson. In the interview we explore; why he set it up, why he continues to keep it going, his thoughts and feelings about the wildlife there and discuss its effect on the locals and visitors of the cemetery.

What is the film about?
In ford park cemetery, the largest in Plymouth, there lives diverse and vibrant wildlife. An incredible showcase of Britain's nature and it’s sometimes overlooked beauty. In this mini documentary we begin to explore this wildlife, in particular the residents and regulars of a small tree. This tree is brimming with life, from squirrels to parakeets, pheasants and blue tits, if you are there at the time it can be almost overwhelming. This is all thanks to the collection of bird feeders and the man who set them up, Mark Wilson. He is the subject of our interview in which we explore why he set it up, why he continues to keep it going, his thoughts and feelings about the wildlife there and discuss its effect on the locals and visitors of the cemetery. We explore his personal connection to the animals and see the empathy and care he takes in this responsibility. This interview is accompanied by shots of the wildlife giving you a glimpse at its vibrancy and hopefully showing you how truly full of life this tree is. We hope with this documentary that we can bring more attention to not only the wildlife of Britain but their place within our towns and cities. We especially hope it has you thinking about nature's presence in our cemeteries, places often seen as scary, sad or depressing and how the encouragement of wildlife could help transform cemeteries from places people avoid to celebrations of life and a place for people to find comfort.

Mark Wilson set up these bird feeders 3 years ago, moving them from his garden after a rat infestation. In those 3 years he has created a local landmark, helped bring life to his local cemetery and formed a close bond with the wildlife. His personal connection to the life he has helped flourish is the focus of this documentary.

Most people look at pigeons as disgusting nuisances but not mark, the look of genuine happiness as he watches them eat tells you everything.

Behind the Scenes: